It is the Age of Conquest, three centuries before the events of Game of Thrones. Westeros stands as a fractured continent, with seven warring kingdoms jostling each other for power and dominance. A new power has invaded from Old Valyria, bringing with them fire and blood. The time is now ripe to establish yourselves as the strongest Kingdom of the realm and unite Westeros under your banner. Claim victory in this continent-spanning war and forge the Iron Throne!
The great Houses of the land at the time of Aegon’s Conquest are:
Stark, Arryn, Lannister, Hoare, Gardener, Durrandon, Martell, and Targaryen.
I spiller et af otte huse fra Game of Thrones' fortid.
Hvert hus har unikke egenskaber i forhold til krigsførelse, ressourcer og diplomati.
I hvert hus er der en Prins, Arving, Ridder og Maester.
Hvem er den bedste Ridder, og den mest nederdrægtige Prins, der kan skaffe mest magt til ens hus? Kan Arvingen undgå en kniv i ryggen, og kan Maesteren afsløre de dybe hemmeligheder i de andre huse?
Hvis man elsker Game of Thrones og House of The Dragon, så er Aegon's Conquest lige noget for en.