"It is the 27th Century and human society has spread to multiple planets. Despite political differences and internal problems, most of humanity is at peace. The various factions, spread across multiple star systems, are governed by the Interstellar Council.
This all changed eighteen days ago when the military of Wolf-1061, an insular and secretive planet-state, launched a massive, catastrophic attack against the other inhabited planets. Through a mixture of cyber-attacks, espionage and sabotage, they managed to disable the vast majority of the Interstellar Council's military, and went on to devastate their targets on the various planets.
Through the chaos, the battleship ICSS Aegis was able to survive the attack and escape to interstellar space. It soon found itself protecting and aiding numerous civilian vessels attempting to escape the Wolf forces. The "Survivor Fleet", as it has come to be known, must now provide critical resources for its survivors and vessels, whilst simultaneously trying to maintain government and social order, and mount an effective defence against pursuing Wolf forces."
'Den of Wolves' is a game about difficult political, military and survival choices in a long-term crisis scenario. Players will take on the roles of starship captains, officers, and engineers, as well as politicians and military personnel. The game has a focus on managing resources, as well as various units and assets – however, talking and negotiating with other players will be crucial in order to achieve success.
Flåden består af 11 skibe. Hvert skib er unikt, og har specifikke roller og bonusser, der skal bruges til at overleve i kampen og flugten fra fjenden, der har drevet jer på flugt.
Se rolle og skibsbeskrivelser her:
Skal jeres skib styre flåden?
Producere al vandet eller brændstof?
Der er også et skib, der sørger for, at alle har det lidt sjovere, og kan gøre rejsen gennem rummet lidt mindre hårdt.
Eller vil I bare have et skib med en stor gun, og masser af fighter drones?
Der er masser af muligheder for kamp, strategi, samarbejde, og kniv-i-ryggen-situationer, når man spiller Den of Wolves.
Når tilmeldinger er færdige, så får man en klar beskrivelse af ens skib, muligheder, og faktioner i spillet, således at man har en ide om ens rolle i flåden.